Kamala Harris - has a new name: blatant and rude - "I SAY!"
She's keeping us, American men, and women as fools.
Just think about this: She was continually interrupting Vice President, Mr. Pence, acting and speaking as a woman individual with equal rights with men, HOWEVER, whenever Mr. Pence was trying to say something, she rudely interrupted him and looked at him and said: don't you see that I say, you keep silent while I'm speaking, WHICH MEANT: Hey! I'm a WOMAN, don't you have to respect me as a woman and yield?!"
Kamala Harris CONTRADICTING herself! And giving herself up by that! If, as a woman, she considers herself to be equal with men, then she should not ask for a special attitude and regard for herself, right?! Shut up and take a hit!
Kamala acts and talks horrible, unmannered, disgusting, rude, evil, blatant and it would be a HUGE DISASTER if she makes a Vice President!
You, Democrats, you are SO WORTHY of this candidate because Kamala is one of yours, BLATANT, RUDE, BLUNT, UNPLEASANT, OFFENSIVE, INSULTING, TACTLESS, ILLBRED and INSOLENT!

She wants freedom for the SPECIAL SORT of people such as herself - democrats, liberals, social and moral degenerates, people of colored-skin, feminists, LGBT, idlers, and lazy dudes - dregs of society, who have never worked even a single day on the job, but sold marihuana, sold stolen goods, spread narcotics as well as for all kinds of minorities social, political or else
at the expense of us,
at the expense of
conservative citizens with fundamental social, political, and religious orientation!
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