
понедельник, 3 января 2011 г.

Jewish-Christian Relations - Insights and Issues in the ongoing Jewish-Christian Dialogue

Articles | Scholarly Contributions

The Jesus of the Gospels as interpreter of the Torah.

Klaus Wengst | 01.01.2011
According to the Gospels, Jesus has neither abolished nor surpassed the law. He interpreted the Torah. To show this, I will confine myself mainly to a section of the Gospel of Matthew, which, in the history of its Christian interpretation, was often used to prove the opposite and set under the heading "Antitheses" – Math. 5:21-48. However, Jesus offers no "antitheses to the law," but interpretations of the Torah.
Articles | Fundamentals & Introductions

The Jewish-Christian Relationship and the Middle East

Rabbi David Rosen | 01.12.2010
Presentation of Rabbi David Rosen, AJC's International Director of Interreligious Affairs, to the Special Vatican Synod on the Middle East October 13, 2010 ... [more]
Statements | Protestant (3)

The "Kairos-Palestine Document" by Palestinian Christians

Michael Volkmann* | 01.09.2010
On December 11, 2009, sixteen Palestinian Christians published an appeal in Bethlehem, which was distributed by the World Council of Churches and has since then been discussed, though controversially, as the "Kairos-Palestinian Document." The following statement from the perspective of the representative for the dialogue between Christians and Jews of the Evangelical Church in Württemberg contains both, an appreciation as well as criticism. The criticism outweighs the affirmative parts. ... [more]
Statements | Joint Christian-Jewish (9)

Church and Jewish Leaders Resolve Concerns Over Baptisms

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Jewish leaders issued the following statement today: | 01.10.2010
Sep 01 2010 — Salt Lake City ... [more]
Statements | Ecumenical (2)

The Kairos Palastine Document

| 01.08.2010
We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence for all the inhabitants of this land. Inspired by the mystery of God's love for all, the mystery of God's divine presence in the history of all peoples and, in a particular way, in the history of our country, we proclaim our word based on our Christian faith and our sense of Palestinian belonging - a word of faith, hope and love. ... [more]
Articles | Observations & Experiences

Tourism, one practical advantage of an Israeli-Palestinian settlement

Washington, DC - Recent sputtering of a peace process between Israel and Palestine, the termination of Israel's settlement building freeze causing a demise of said peace process - again - has produced a loud, global yawn. What else is new in this endless conflict? Negotiations cannot succeed without a vision, and there is no widely shared vision of peace among these people that could truly spur their politicians forward.

1 комментарий:

  1. Вот оно, соединение с христианской веры во Христа с иудейскими баснями!!! Да-да, все что здесь написано правда, нисколько в этом не сомневайтесь, только имейте ввиду, что это - отступление от Христа, и заражение иудейской ересью. Вот почему православные не крестят иудейским манером. Протестантство (протестантское христианство) же заимствуя обрядность крещение у иудеев - является таким образом продолжение иудаизма. Ну чтож, вполне с этим согласен!

    Вообще люди покопайтесь...... мно-о-ооооо-оооо-оооого чего интересного найдете.

    «По плодам их узнаете их…» (Матф. 7:16)

    в официальной политике большинства западных церквей начинает вырисовываться идея полного и «вечного» отказа от задачи «обращения» евреев. И для этого имеются свои серьезные теологические причины.....


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